I am an independent creative person. I balance my time between photography and personal development work.
With 32 years’ experience working in personal development, my real passion is to develop aspiring, collaborative, socially responsible leaders and develop high quality coaching skills. I run an ILM Level 7 Course for professional coaches.
Through my photography, I have a profound understanding of the natural environment in which I live and work. I hope to help people reconnect with nature.
I work collaboratively with a network of highly skilled strategic partners.
My clients share my motivators, having both a genuine concern for the planet and a passion for what they do. Ultimately, I prefer to build relationships of mutual trust. So, if you think I can help, get in touch and we can explore your needs and the possibilities together. Call 07968 095597 or email simon@simonwhalley.org
07968 095597 | simon@simonwhalley.org | The WilderClay Gallery, St.Andrew’s Churchyard, Penrith CA11 7YE